If you want to build your own web site but have no idea how to get started and no money for training or web building software, this site is for you.
I assume that you have never created a web page before and will lead you through everything you need to do to create your own personal or small business web site.
You don't need to be a programmer or computer genius to do it.
Every product, tool, or resource I will present is free. (There are ads for items that may not be free. They are not required but can make some tasks easier. I have to pay for this site somehow...) I am only including the free webmaster resources in each category that are the best or have a unique feature that I have found useful. If you know of a site or free webmaster tool that is better than what you see here, please let me know so I can evaluate it for possible inclusion on this site.
I have divided everything into categories to make it easy for you to find what you need at the moment. The two main ones are Building and Publishing.
Use the pull-down menu in the upper-right corner of this page to select your area of interest. I recommend that you start with Building, Design.
Every product, tool, or resource I will present is free. (There are ads for items that may not be free. They are not required but can make some tasks easier. I have to pay for this site somehow...) I am only including the free webmaster resources in each category that are the best or have a unique feature that I have found useful. If you know of a site or free webmaster tool that is better than what you see here, please let me know so I can evaluate it for possible inclusion on this site.
I have divided everything into categories to make it easy for you to find what you need at the moment. The two main ones are Building and Publishing.
Use the pull-down menu in the upper-right corner of this page to select your area of interest. I recommend that you start with Building, Design.
Building includes:
Publishing includes:
- Design (deciding how you want your site to look and work)
- HTML (the way you get a web browser to understand what is in your page)
- Cascading Style Sheets (the way you format what is on the page)
- Free CGI Hosting (add cool features to your site using programs that have already been created and don't require you to put the programs on your own web server)
- Graphics (including icons, buttons, backgrounds, and lines/rules)
- JavaScript (make your site respond to a user action)
- Validation (ensure that what you have created has the correct syntax, is accessible to people with different needs, and doesn't have any broken links)
- Monetization (how to make money from your site even if you don't have anything to sell through participation in affiliate programs)
Publishing includes:
- Hosting (finding a company to provide a home for your site)
- Domain Names (getting a name and address for your site)
- Rating (provide the information needed for web filtering and parental control software to ensure that your site is handled appropriately)
- Search Engine Optimization (get your site ready to achieve the best placement possible in search results)
- Search Engine Submission (let the world know about your site and help people find it)
- Ranking (see how your site compares with similar or competetive sites in popularity)
General Resources
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